Usage Limits

About our Usage Limits

To ensure everyone benefits from the best performance and experience we have a few limits in place as we scale up Volconic. If you'd like us to increase a limit for you, please don't hesitate to get in-touch and we'd be happy to help.

General Limits

Groups - 5 Groups

The number of active Groups that can be created for a given Organization.

Serial References Per Group - 5000 Serial References

The number of active unique Serial References that can be created for a given Serial Group.

There is a limit of 500 Serial References that can be created per Batch

Public Passport Validity Period - 1 Year

The period of time a Public Passport can be accessed externally, from on the date the Serial Reference was created.

Custom Topics - 7 Topics

The number of active Custom Topics that can be created for a given Group.

Integration Limits

Shopify Line Items - 10 Items

The total number of unique line items in a given Shopify Order - irrespective of wether they are linked or not to a Group in Volconic.

Product Quantity Per Line Item - 10 Items

The quantity of a given item per line item. i.e An an order with a quantity 10 Blue Boots, where Blue Boots are the line item.

Setting Order Attributes in Shopify - 40 References

The total number of Serial References created for a single order. If this exceeds 40, the Order Attributes fields in Shopify won't be updated.